Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Planning application to be decided 20 Sep 2010

The proposed West End schools' planning application is finally to come before Development Management Committee on Monday 20 September 2010.

The report, which recommends the planning application for approval, can be read on the council website at:

If the application is approved by our elected members, then the St Joseph's car park and green spaces could be transferred to Al-Maktoum Foundation ownership soon after.

Where will parents, teachers and church parishioners park and where will the children play, during and after school?


  1. The Al-Maktoum Foundation appears to have a suspiciously strong influence on council affairs.

    Who exactly is on the Al-Maktoum committee, and are any of these members involved in approving the proposal? If so, this would be a clear conflict of interest.

    According to

    "..Can I emphasise that we are not only building a mosque or a facility available only to Muslims in the City, but we are building a Multicultural Centre which will be a facility for all the communities of the City and of Scotland, and to be a model for multiculturalism in Scotland. It will work to promote understanding and bring communities together.

    I know that several Scottish prominent individuals were asking about the progress in the building of the Multicultural Centre in Dundee, and the citizens of Dundee are anxious to know when the building of the Centre will start. As we have been granted the Planning Permission from Dundee City Council, I am very pleased to announce today that the building of the Al-Maktoum Multicultural Centre will start very soon."

    The council members will inevitably rubber stamp this already done deal but without any certainty of whether the proposed uniquely poor replacement school on Blackness Road will ever get built.

  2. I heard the last time that this project went to commiittee one of the local councillors had to go out of the chamber due to a conflict of interest because his child attended one of the schools. If that was the case, why did Cllrs Barrie and Wright remain in the chamber given that they are on non exec boaard at the Al-Maktoum Institute? So, will they be asked to leave this time?
