Saturday, February 13, 2010

New school design obtained from Freedom of Information

On 26 January 2010, the West End Parents Committee received material from Scottish Government as a response to a Freedom of Information request. This material included early stage designs for the Logie site (June 2009) as well as detailed designs submitted by Dundee City Council to Scottish Government as a follow up to their application for dispensation in August 2009.

We confirmed with Scottish Government on 10 February 2010 that this material is now deemed to be in the public domain, and specifically that we are permitted to print/publish the site designs, which we have done below.

Note that the city council have shared the same design with the new Project Board, which convened on 27 January 2010.

Please consider these designs and make an effort to attend the West End Local Community Planning Partnership meeting on 18 February 2010, 7pm, at the Tartan Cafe
(53 Perth Road, Dundee) where the project director will give a presentation of the schools project.


  1. Where do I park to drop off my children to school. I can see parking spaces within the design - is that for us parents? staff? Its a busy narrow road so my heart is in my mouth already.

  2. There seems to be almost as much space dedicated to 53 cars as there is space for 450 kids to play in. Surely there is less playground space on this new shared campus that there is on the existing sites.

  3. In response to previous comment, google maps indicates St Josephs(SJ) and Park Place Primary(PP) playground spaces measure up as follows

    SJ/PP playing area = 6875m2 comprising
    4050m2 hardsurface (1500m2 SJs + 2550m2 PP)
    525m2 grass (375m2 SJs + 150m2 PP)
    900m2 football pitch outwith SJ school gates
    1400m2 grass Southeast of SJ pitch

    The Logie site plan dated 09-09-09 claims
    LOGIE playing area = 4750m2 comprising
    2250m2 of hard surface
    500m2 potential synthetic surface
    2000m2 grass or otherwise

    Thus the current SJ/PP sites have
    45% MORE playing area than Logie
    80% MORE hard surface play area than Logie
    80% MORE football/synthetic area than Logie
    and about equal grassed area as Logie

    The Logie plan claims as playing area every mm2 of the site to the south of the school entrance which is not a building or fenced off for the Nursery. How much of it is suitable for playing remains to be seen.

    No playing fields, no football pitch, much less playing space and both Head Teachers have agreed that any exercise can be done inside in the gym. It really is pathetic.

  4. Am I missing something? Where are the computer suites on the plans? Surely they will need at least one!

  5. talk about sacrificing our youth.....surely something better can be drawn up by dcc. how about 10 storey high building!!!! that would create more outdoor space!!! beyond a joke.
