Saturday, February 27, 2010

Shona Robison and Scotland's "Obesity time bomb"

Shona Robison is the SNP Minister for Public Health and Sport in the Scottish Government.

She has just launched the strategy document, "Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Scotland - A Route Map Towards Healthy Weight" to tackle Scotland's “obesity time bomb” which specifically includes:
...working with schools to continue encouraging young people to take up healthy habits.
What hypocrisy!

Is this the same Minister for Public Health and Sport who supports the Dundee SNP administration in building an £11.5m new local West End Primary School for 450 children that:
We asked MSPs, on behalf of those least able to speak up for themselves, to question Shona Robson on why she and her SNP party are specifically preventing adequate playing space from being allocated for young primary children to play and exercise in in the West End of Dundee.

Mary Scanlon (Highlands and Islands) (Con) has kindly done so, in a debate on Preventing Obesity, 24 February 2010:
"I understand that new schools in Scotland are still being planned with no playing fields or outdoor sporting facilities and on sites that might fail to meet the requirement on the minimum playing area per child. I hope that the partnership with COSLA will ensure that, in future, there are adequate facilities for children."
Will Ms Robison please decide which camp she is really in?


  1. Hi, it's a very great blog.
    I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
    Keep doing!

  2. No wonder parents are having to battle against this proposal. Children need to play. But where is that going to happen with this new proposal? This is not progress- outdoor space is equally as important as indoor space for young children. Why should we offer the children such a shoddy deal. Worse still - why should we accept this when as parents we are the first line of responsiblilty for their welfare....

  3. SNP = Stout'N'PodgyMarch 21, 2010 at 10:55 PM

    Minister for Public Health and Sport?
    Slim chance she'll achieve anything unless she gets off of her bahookie and does something other than produce hot air.

    SNP = Stout'N'Podgy
