Monday, May 4, 2009

Confirmation that there will be no playing field

We contacted the Director of Education about the council's proposal and have obtained his permission to quote his responses.
Director of Education: “With regard to the matter of playing fields, we are committed to providing facilities at this site for outdoor education. Many inner city schools, including St Joseph's and Park Place, do not have playing fields in close proximity, and the regulations acknowledge that there will be occasions when enforcement of this regulation is "impracticable or would be unreasonable". The reference to SportScotland is for guidance only, and is generally to be taken into account when building on a new greenfield site.”
We take this as further evidence, if any was needed, that there would be no playing fields, should the proposal go ahead. This does not meet the minimum standards in the regulations. Furthermore, the SportScotland guidance makes no reference to any distinction between greenfield and brownfield sites.


  1. This was confirmed at the consultation meeting at St Joseph's. Does the group have anything new for the parents to consider.

  2. @ Deja Vu

    Hear, hear!
    What next?
    "Confirmation that there will be no Quiddich Arena"
    "Confirmation that there will be no Papal Visit"
    "Confirmation that there will be no Jamie Oliver Cuisine"

  3. Ref the article in tonights tele - Is this a done deal?

  4. Let's hope so :)

  5. More like a complete stitch up! The DCC consultation process has been a joke and not a very funny one at that. How come there was no balloting of parents to arrive at a consensus of opinion in this matter? Why? Because it might result in an inconvenient discovery i.e. that this is not as popular a proposal as some would have it appear…

    Anyway, what is so wrong with people having differing opinions? I can see why people stay apathetic if there is such objection to airing any sort of independent thought!

    Well done for speaking up, regardless of what your opinion happens to be.

  6. More than half the parents could not be bothered to turn up at the publicised consultation meetings - how can DCC be blamed for that? It would appear many are not interested.THe balloting of parents who did attend the meeting was overwhelming in SUPPORT of the proposal.

  7. Wrong Deja Vu. Parents were split in approx equal ratios when asked for a show of hands on the proposal as it stands.
    The first question posed was 'who wants a new school' all hands went up'.
    So to clarify for you -all parents want a new school but 50% do not sit with the proposal as it is.
    Wouldn't it be great if you could put some ideas forward for a school in the west end. Sounds like you have local knowledge and you may well have come up with a better proposal yourself. The point is that you and I should have been involved from the beginning. We would be partners in working to get the best result. Instead- folk who have alot to offer have been polarized. That is wrong. How do you think we could get parents to become more active in school business and what is the reason for this apathy. I am glad you felt it important to turn up to the meeting. You deja vu have been interested in this from the beginning. I dont agree with certain things you say but I am glad that you are interested. A common ground.

  8. 81% of the written representations to the Council were against the proposal. Confirmed today by the Director of Education
